
All news (so far)

2018-07-21: Site: Fixed site (after having broken it)

I "upgraded" the site (from PHP 5 to 7) and broke it. ;-( So I had to rewrite the news function (using MySQLi API instead).

2017-09-24: Site: Started redesigning site

About time that I redesigned site showing off what I've learnt! ;-)

2011-06-12: Site: Redesigned HTML5 pages

Having designed my pages using HTML 5, and viewing in Firefox 4 and Internet Explorer 9, I later learnt that they didn't work in Firefox 3.x or Internet Explorer 8. So I had to redesign all HTML 5 pages so that they look slightly better in all browsers and version. :-(

2011-03-27: Site: Added photos + updated to HTML 5

Added some photos to home page to make them more appealing. I also updated some pages to HTML 5.

2010-06-20: Site: Added a photo gallery for my photos

The gallery now contains photos of my flat during renovation and some photos of clouds and sunsets. I'll be adding more photos of clouds and views.

2010-05-11: Me: Back from Norway

I have now stood on the deck of the ship Fram, which makes me the third generation having done it. :-)